The Pudding Lane Cat

featuring Thomas Farriner, baker


For four days the Great Fire of London engulfed the city. Many people grabbed what possessions they could and fled across the Thames to safety. Others stayed to fight the fire.

One brave fire fighter was Thomas Farriner in whose bakery the fire had started.

Thomas tells the seldom heard story of why he returned to the fire. Was it from a sense of guilt, civic duty, or to find his beloved cat Smudge the finest ratter in London town? Find out for yourselves when you meet Thomas Farriner, baker and accidental fire starter. Oh, and have a peek at the belongings he rescued from his burning house.


  • Brief introduction to Fire of London

  • Character-led storytelling session

  • 'What's in the box?' Children take a peek at the family heirlooms Thomas has saved

  • Review of Thomas's treasures and what we mean by 'treasure'.

'I just wanted to say a big thank you for the Great Fire of London sessions you did. Myself and my colleagues were very impressed with how much information the children gained from you. They were totally engaged throughout the hour and had so many brilliant questions to ask you. The 'treasures' you had really helped them to gain an extra understanding of life in the past.'